Thanks to a good friend of mine on DeviantArt, i have started work on a series that i couldn't really decide on what it should be originally. It WAS going to be a video game, but its now an animated series. Im not going to go too much into detail, but it does use a character from my old internet persona.
Not only that, but my friend Salsa (on DA) is pretty much the part-time writer and artist for a good chunk of this project, so im glad she's partly on board! But i do know that the work doesnt end there. Seeing as how neither of us have THAT good voice acting talent and equipment, i'll be looking for some voice actors that fit the cast of characters i have set up. Hell if i know who i have in mind, but if they can voice the part, then they can help out greatly.
One thing i find to be really hard with all the animating is storyboarding everything, the frame-by-frame animations, and making the backgrounds for all this. But to be honest, i dont really mind all of that.
Man i hope i can make some good stuff with this!